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The Mediacasters Blog
Blogging is not dead.
Blogging is a great tool for SEO optimization. We are obsessed with blogging. We are obsessed with the idea that our words make an impact.

Julie Lokun
Dec 29, 20214 min read
3 Reasons Brene Brown Changed My Life, (aka The Brene Brown Effect)
“Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope empathy, accountability

Julie Lokun
Mar 29, 20213 min read
Vibrational Energy: 10 Ways To Instantly Raise Your Vibes
When you act a way-your attract that way. This concept is so simple, but for many of us it is a daily challenge. The good news is, is that w

Julie Lokun
Mar 18, 20217 min read
Join Our Body Positivity Campaign! And Stop Doing These Four Things....
Join our body positivity campaign. Start loving the body you are in- and celebrate all your imperfections!

Julie Lokun
Feb 16, 20214 min read
"Work-Life Unbalance"- And My Quest To Get It Right.
For me, it has become an exercise in emotional agility to get through my days. I once prided myself on my strength to prioritize....

Julie Lokun
Jan 22, 20214 min read
Regain Your Composure With Confidence- In 7 Steps.
For most of us- cynicism and polarized opinions are triggering these days. If you are a CEO of a Fortune 500 company or the CEO of your...

Julie Lokun
Oct 25, 20205 min read
4 Reasons You Need To Hold Onto Your Hats This Week.
The next week will be a period in time that quite possible will jar us into another level of collective insanity. YET-there is good news!

Julie Lokun
Jul 3, 20207 min read
The 1 Thing That Stands in The Way of Your Success
What is really holding you back? The one thing I hear from EVERY client.......

Julie Lokun
Jan 26, 20205 min read
Got Pain? Try THIS.....
If you are human chances are that you have stumbled across a frightfully painful experience. Is it time-NOW-to release it into the Universe.

Julie Lokun
Nov 24, 20194 min read
3 Words That Changed My Life
Thoughts are Optional. We as humans. have the power to change how we interpret events. We can infuse positive into negative with one step.
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